Reviews in FAZ and BCM
Volume III of the Lasker trilogy has recently been reviewed in the literary pages of the renowned Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, and also in the British Chess Magazine, the world’s oldest and longest-living chess journal, which already covered Lasker’s career when he appeared on the scene in 1889… See links to reviews in our new Book…
Games from The Netherlands 1908, courtesy of René Olthof
We are happy to publish some 43 games and fragments from Lasker’s exhibitions in The Netherlands in 1908, courtesy of and with annotations by René Olthof. One of many spectacular findings by Olthof concerns the following ending from Pierre Henri Baudet’s first encounter with Emanuel Lasker. Only seventeen at the time and Lasker’s junior by…
Volume III is Out
This week volume III of the Lasker trilogy has been received by the printers and is now available from chess shops around the world!
Games available in PGN
The games discussed and analyzed in Lasker volumes I to III can now been downloaded in PGN format, so that readers can easily play over the moves and enter into the analyzes by Mihail Marin.
Welcome to Emanuel Lasker Online
The Emanuel Lasker Project has resulted in a trilogy of over 1400 pages devoted to Emanuel Lasker (1868–1941), the second world chess champion, who held the crown for a record 27 years and had an impact far beyond chess. In addition to background material, errata, reviews, etc. on the three volumes of the trilogy, this…